Friday, December 10, 2010
tomorrow .
They said women would never vote.
They said the titanic would never sink.
They said man would never fly.
Cancer can't be cured today, but tomorrow marks a new beginning.
Dare to hope, and to believe.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
reminiscence .
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
who i am .
Days like these
It's hard to breathe
I'm gonna take this moment that I'm in right now
Stop the craziness some how
Leave it all behind me
I know it's gonna find me
I've got nothing to win, I've got nothing to lose
Just trying to walk in my own two shoes
Gotta take some time now
It's time for me to find out who I am
You just know
When to hold on
When to let go
--who i am, David Archuleta
Friday, November 12, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
today .
Everyday is a gift, even if you're hopelessly falling down. Count all your blessings, not your troubles. Never skip a chance to tell someone that you love them, because you never know what tomorrow holds. Give people second chances, because no one is perfect. Love all that you can, give all that you have, smile away your days, and dream away your nights.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
dancing in the rain .
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass,
it's about learning to dance in the rain.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
up .

How long it seems that I've been stuck at the bottom of this hill, finding no happiness, no laughs, no smiles. It's almost as if this roller coaster of a life has stopped at the bottom, and has no intentions of going back up. But now I've found that I'm nearing the ground, the lowest it can go. And hey, there's no place to go but back up. So now I'm anticipating the joy that will come...because I can see it clearly. And I know I will soon smile again, laugh until I cry, and cherish these special moments in my life. I feel so much better now, thanks. :) ♥
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
teardrops .
How easily these tears drop, one by one, uncontrollably flowing down these rosy cheeks. And I promised myself I wouldn't let it get to me...because I want to face the world confidently and without the constant fear of failing. So why can't I just turn the other way and pretend like nothing happened?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
days with my father .

Thursday, August 26, 2010
brand new day .
Sometimes, just saying a few words to brighten up someone's day doesn't take much, but gives them a warm, fuzzy feeling that lasts for hours...
↓ clickie. :3 ♥
Saturday, August 21, 2010
hold on . takes patience and time to gain, yet seconds to be easily destroyed. Strange, isn't it ?
Someone I had once given my full trust to, someone I thought I could tell almost anything to was secretly backstabbing me from the start, while I sat there foolishly feeding her secrets. Who knew ? I sure didn't. ;) But I've learned; I've learned to keep myself from being hurt again...
To regain trust is even harder. It's like climbing back up a mountain with half the amount of energy you had started with. It's not impossible, but it's not easy to fight with a wound that has yet to be healed.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
better together .
Trust me when I tell you I'll be there for you. Believe me when I tell you I'll listen closely when you have something to say. And when I look you in the eyes and tell you that you're a big part of my life, you better know it. Please don't go through everything alone. Because sometimes, you just need to let go of the thoughts clouding your mind. Replay happy memories, forget the bad ones, and know that every day is a new one.
You just don't know how much I care...because when you're down, I'm worried, but when you're smiling, nothing else in this world matters. Please believe it.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
daydreaming .
“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible.” T. E. Lawrence
Sunday, August 8, 2010
sorry !
Friday, July 16, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
dear mother nature ,

I know you are not happy today - heat waves, fires, thunderstorms ? Please forgive us for this giant mess we have created. It's not right to come onto this planet and take without giving back. We must get back what we've destroyed before it's too late...and we will. Trust in us - trust in the better side of mankind.
Please keep this in mind - when one gains, the other loses. If we keep taking, there will soon be nothing left of this planet. Though you may not see it, many natural beauties have already begun to disappear. If we don't act now, we will slowly destroy ourselves in this disaster we, ourselves, have constructed.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
a box .
A box - a simple box could be many things..It could be a beautiful gift that holds a sweet surprise for a loved one, a sturdy storage, holding large, bulky materials to be transported, or a delicate case for your most prized possessions. It's all in your perspective. So think twice before judging someone without really getting to know them, because most people shine from the inside out.
Monday, June 7, 2010
bittersweet .
Bittersweet - that's exactly how I feel right now. They say "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." And it's true... My friend left to chase his dreams - an amazing opportunity opened for him, and he went after it. One side of me wants him to stay with me forever, because my heart hurts as I can imagine him here just days ago. The other side says how proud I am - he's climbing up to reach his goal, which seemed so far and imaginary back then. He's gone on a path taking him very far from me, and it's almost like he's never existed in my life. I may never see him again the same way...maybe I will watch him on TV in a few years, maybe he'll have forgotten about me by then, maybe I'll be just another one of the thousands of fans, and maybe it's like we were never friends. But it's okay...I know you'll be someone whom many people will look up to. Maybe you'll be different when I see you from a distance - I mean, people change right ? - but when I do, I'll see you as the same old friend who made me smile, laugh, and cry for. As I listen to your songs, I will be able to close my eyes and feel you right next to me just like before, I'll unmistakably recognize that voice of yours, and see your distinct and brightening smile. You may forget about me, but you will always be an important part of my life whose memories that we've shared will last forever. I'm sure I'll see you in a few years, even though you may not see me. I miss you already... ♥ * I'm happy for you & I know you'll go far. Congratulations. *
Friday, June 4, 2010
↑ new page
Thursday, June 3, 2010
freckles .
Emotions are like freckles - some people have a lot, while others have few. And, like freckles, feelings are not to be discounted. Someone once told me that feelings are just that - feelings. You can't control them or stop them. The only control - even if little at time - is how you react to them or because of them. Some try to hide them, but even though they are unable to be seen, they are still there. So everyone needs someone...someone who can see past their fake smile, because although you may be bravely facing every obstacle life throws at you, sometimes it's okay to look for someone to lean on, and to know that there's someone there to catch you if you fall.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
no other .
Every single one of us can do things that no one else can do - can love things that no one else can love. We are like violins. We can be used for doorstops, or we can make music. You know what to do.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
precious .
"I grew up knowing I was different, and I hated it. I was born with a cleft palate, and when I started school, my classmates who were constantly teasing, made it clear to me how I must've looked to others: a little girl with a misshapen lip, crooked nose, lopsided teeth, and a hollow and somewhat garbled speech. When schoolmates asked, "What happened to your face?" I'd tell them I'd fallen and cut it on a piece of glass. Somehow, it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born different. By the age of seven I was convinced that no one outside my own family could ever love me...or even like me. Then I entered the second grade. Mrs. Leonard was pretty and fragrant with warm dark eyes that smiled even when her mouth didn't. Everyone adored her, but no one came to love her more than I did, and for a special reason...It was time for our annual "hearing tests" given at school. I could barely hear out of one ear and was not about to reveal yet another problem that would single me out as different. And so I cheated. I had learned to watch other children and raised my hand when they did. The "whisper test" was different though. Each child would go to the classroom alone, close one ear with a finger, and the teacher would whisper something which the child would repeat. I merely pretended to block mine. As usual I was last, but all through testing, I wondered what she might say to me. I knew from previous years that she whispered things like "The sky is blue". Finally, my turn came up. I turned my bad ear, plugging up the other. I waited...words that God had surely put into her mouth, seven words that changed my life forever; Mrs. Leonard, the pretty teacher I adored, said softly, "I wish you were my little girl." ♥ "
Monday, May 31, 2010
behind this mask .
Behind this mask is a girl who lacks self-confidence and a voice to speak out for what she believes is right. She struggles to keep even her own mind from wandering off to a wrong path, and to keep others' criticism from stopping her. She's following her longing to finally become someone who others can look to for guidance when unsure. And that one girl is me...but I am learning. :)
Friday, May 28, 2010
higher & higher .

Thursday, May 27, 2010
a smile .
A smile costs nothing, but gives much. It enriches those who receive, without making poorer those who give. It takes a moment, but the memory of it sometimes lasts forever. None is so rich or mighty that he can get along without it, and none is so poor, but that he can be made rich by it. A smile creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friendship. It brings rest to the weary, cheer to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and it is nature’s best antidote for trouble. Yet it cannot be bought, begged, borrowed, or stolen, for it is something that is of no value to anyone, until it is given away. Some people are too tired to give you a smile; give them one of yours, as none needs a smile so much as he who has no more to give.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
naturally .
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
unbreakable memories .

Some people say holding on is what makes you strong, but sometimes it takes much more strength to let go and move on. Maybe forgetting the past is the only way to rid all of the pains. Do sweet memories bring a smile to your lips, or do they just make you want to run back to the unobtainable past ?
Monday, May 24, 2010
keep smiling .
The greatest revenge you can have on someone ? Keep your chin up, smile, and be happy; never let them know it hurt.
Friday, May 21, 2010
happiness is intangible .
People that have it all aren't always the happiest. When life gets too complicated, your mind is often clouded by the bad feelings. We should be reminded of the people less fortunate than ourselves - the people who seem like they have close to nothing - because although faced with many hardships, they are still able to greet every day with a smile and endless hope for a better tomorrow.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
life is yours to control .
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
much contemplating .
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
my blooming rose .
A certain man planted a rose, watered it faithfully every day and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud that would soon bloom, but noticed thorns upon the stem and he thought to himself, how can any beautiful flower come from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns? Saddened by this thought, he neglected to water the rose, and just before it was ready to died.
So it is with many people. Within every soul there is a rose. The God-like qualities planted in us at birth grow amid the thorns of our faults. Many of us look at ourselves and see only the thorns - the defects. We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us. We neglect to water the good deep within ourselves, and eventually it dies. We never realize our hidden potential. Some people do not see the rose within themselves; someone else must show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to look past the thorns of another, and find the rose within them. This is one of the characteristics of look at a person, know their true faults, but to accept that person into your life...all the while recognizing the nobility in their soul. Help others realize that they can overcome their flaws. If we show them the "rose" within themselves, they will conquer their thorns. Only then will they blossom many times over.
Monday, May 17, 2010
learning to fly .
Sometimes, I just want to run away...and start a new life. No one would be able to judge me from what I've done in the past, and I can truly shine in my own light. And when everything is just the way I want it, I wish I could stop time. Every day would be perfect, and nothing would change. But I know these things can only happen in my dreams, where I control my life and change it if I don't like it. In reality, it's impossible to erase the past. It's simply impossible. Learn from your mistakes, but don't let them hold you back. Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.
Friday, May 14, 2010
awakening .
Here we are now with the falling sky and the rain,
We're awakening
Here we are now with our desperate youth and the pain,
We're awakening
Maybe it's called ambition, you've been talking in your sleep
About a dream, we're awakening
Thursday, May 13, 2010
1OOO things i want to say .
time is ticking
t-time is ticking, ticking
time is ticking
t-time is ticking away…
I treasure the little talks I have with my dad in the morning. The short 1O minutes it takes to drive me to school before going to work seem like the only time we have a real father-daughter talk. And although it seems like too brief of an amount of time as I get off the car with millions of more things to say, it's only during that time that seems right to say it. I remember watching an old man walk his dog every day as we took the same route to school. Before I noticed, the "old man and his old dog" stopped walking along that familiar road. It made me wonder...maybe one of them grew too weak to go out for a walk, but at least neither is alone - they have each other. Now, I've realized how I'd gotten so caught up with my busy life that I'd stopped noticing the simple pleasures of life. Every morning, I rushed out after eating a quick breakfast, worrying about being late, that I didn't even notice as the autumn trees grew from green to orange. And now I've learned. Set your priorities straight and keep the things you cherish close to you, because there's always time for more work.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
who i am and who i want to be .
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
dreams are not meant to be dreamt .
I realized...the only person keeping me from full happiness is myself. When everything is unbelievably perfect, I bring out the bad feelings because it's just too good to be true. But not everything that seems extraordinary is impossible. I mean, who would've ever imagined that humans would step foot on the moon ? Just because something seems out of reach, doesn't mean you shouldn't go after it. The highest of dreams challenge you to go beyond the boundaries, and who knows...maybe you'll find a loop hole. :*
Monday, May 10, 2010
we learn wisdom from failure much more than from success .
Words screaming in my head.
Why did you leave?
And I can't stop dreaming.
Saying "it's okay" is easier than really forgiving someone. Saying "I forgive you" may be more brain than heart. And saying "it doesn't bother me" seems better than explaining how you really feel. Open your eyes, and don't drown yourself in the matters, because sometimes it's all in your head. Listen wholeheartedly to what he has to say, and ask yourself what he is apologizing for. Don't limit a person to only 3 chances, because we're only human, right ? Sure, some may be deceiving, but if he is worth it, he will try anything just to hear you accept his apology. Everyone makes mistakes - there's no doubt about it - but welcome that failure, learn from it, and move on. Failure cannot stop you from becoming who you want to be.
Friday, May 7, 2010
climb higher than you fell .
Thursday, May 6, 2010
happy tears .
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end .

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. So when you feel like the world is crashing down around you, start again and see what happens. Life is full of trial and error, and undoubtedly, you'll have many failures coming your way. But every once in a while, there will be a success, to remind you to stay motivated for something you truly want. I admit it...I have tensions with someone I was once friends with, and when I think about it, I really don't want to deal with someone like that. But why not forget those things, because I have to remember why I was her friend in the first place - there must have been something special. I'm willing to erase everything, so let's start something new...
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
don't stop believing .
My heart hurts...and I don't know why. Maybe it's because you stopped defending me. Maybe it's because you sat there and watched while I was hurting. Maybe it's because you're no longer on my side. Every time I try to hint that I'm jealous, missing you, needing you, you take it like nothing's wrong. I thought you could see past fake smiles, that you could see what I was really feeling inside. I don't know. I keep trying to stay positive, to keep from falling deeper into this hole, but every little scar just takes another part of me. Sometimes, it feels like I could just collapse right there, and life would go on for everyone else around me. I keep holding it in, acting like it's nothing, while I'm slowly dying inside. It seems like the cruel ones always get away with everything, while the honest ones are doing the right thing with no gain, but something lost. I know I'm not fact, I'm nowhere near it. But what makes people stand out from others is their approach on life. Why make this a memory of depressing and hateful feelings, when you could make it worthwhile ? If someone is worth worrying over, you need to trust that they will come back to you in the end. Your life is great - everyone's is - as long as you have everything important to you...and that's all you need.
Monday, May 3, 2010
life is the art of drawing without an eraser .
Don't you hate it when people make a joke about you, and it turns out to be about something that you are actually incredibly insecure about ? And they don't realize it, but every laugh feels like a stab in your chest, because it just hurts so much and brings up memories you'd rather forget. But you can't say anything, because then people would know your weaknesses; they'd know how insecure you really are. So instead you just laugh it off, and hide the pain you really feel inside.
Friday, April 30, 2010
love life
如果你的生命只剩下一點點你会用什么态度去面对 。。。
"Jia Wen: I am 15 years old. The doctor told me that I have only a small amount of time left, but I really want to live, because I love my life."
"Yu Hua: I am 13 years old. I was once a champion ice skater, but the doctor told me that I developed bone cancer. I want to try hard to live on, because I love my life."
"Dora: I am 13 years old. I really love music, but I might not have another chance to play cello for my mom and dad to hear."
During your life, you will definitely face some failures, but compared to the situations of these children, you should be the one who cherishes life even more.
"If you could switch lives with me, would you be willing to switch ?"
At times when you feel lonely or sad, or your heart feels like you can't go on, remember these children, who are praying for you.
"Please live your life well for me."
I saw this on TV about a year ago...I should have shared this earlier! Ahh, this video is really touching and inspirational! It makes me cry every time I watch it. So yeah! Remember to live your life well and full, because you don't know how lucky you are.
Visit their website!
( Not sure if the website's just down temporarily or not. >< ) Basically, Taiwanese stars are coming together to collect money for kids with cancer. They're selling these really cute L² "Love Life" t-shirts. :) There are also a few other videos out, so do look for them ( but they're all in Chinese T_T ) ! I remember watching one where a boy kept crying from watching his sister suffer like that. Keep them in your hearts and spread this around. ♥
Sorry about the rough translation! My Chinese isn't anywhere near perfect. :D