Life's advice from a girl who's living, dreaming, and struggling through it all.
Sometimes, the little things in life are the ones you should be cherishing. After all, the greatest gifts come in small packages, right? Take a step back from this busy world and watch the place and people around you. Put your priorities straight - know what and who you want in your life, because the things worth the most to you will stay by your side. Originally, I was worried about a friend who was having a hard time. Everything had crashed down, and even keeping hope was nearly impossible. After a few posts, I began to realize how much I wanted to touch more people with my words, and to show how much there is to this world. So here it is...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

a box .

A box - a simple box could be many things..It could be a beautiful gift that holds a sweet surprise for a loved one, a sturdy storage, holding large, bulky materials to be transported, or a delicate case for your most prized possessions. It's all in your perspective. So think twice before judging someone without really getting to know them, because most people shine from the inside out.

Monday, June 7, 2010

bittersweet .

- that's exactly how I feel right now.
They say "Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end." And it's true... My friend left to chase his dreams - an amazing opportunity opened for him, and he went after it. One side of me wants him to stay with me forever, because my heart hurts as I can imagine him here just days ago. The other side says how proud I am - he's climbing up to reach his goal, which seemed so far and imaginary back then. He's gone on a path taking him very far from me, and it's almost like he's never existed in my life. I may never see him again the same way...maybe I will watch him on TV in a few years, maybe he'll have forgotten about me by then, maybe I'll be just another one of the thousands of fans, and maybe it's like we were never friends. But it's okay...I know you'll be someone whom many people will look up to. Maybe you'll be different when I see you from a distance - I mean, people change right ? - but when I do, I'll see you as the same old friend who made me smile, laugh, and cry for. As I listen to your songs, I will be able to close my eyes and feel you right next to me just like before, I'll unmistakably recognize that voice of yours, and see your distinct and brightening smile. You may forget about me, but you will always be an important part of my life whose memories that we've shared will last forever. I'm sure I'll see you in a few years, even though you may not see me. I miss you already... * I'm happy for you & I know you'll go far. Congratulations. *

Friday, June 4, 2010

↑ new page

↑ I made a new page for comments about the blog in general, questions, stories, pictures, etc. ! If you have anything to share or want me to reply to in one of my posts, or even just how I've helped you in any way (if I have), please go right ahead and leave a comment there. I really do appreciate your comments - you keep me going with this blog, because if not I would've quit a long time ago. :) I'd love to hear from you guys ! ♥ So do drop by and check it out. ^ ^

Thursday, June 3, 2010

freckles .

Emotions are like freckles - some people have a lot, while others have few. And, like freckles, feelings are not to be discounted. Someone once told me that feelings are just that - feelings. You can't control them or stop them. The only control - even if little at time - is how you react to them or because of them. Some try to hide them, but even though they are unable to be seen, they are still there. So everyone needs someone...someone who can see past their fake smile, because although you may be bravely facing every obstacle life throws at you, sometimes it's okay to look for someone to lean on, and to know that there's someone there to catch you if you fall.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

no other .

Every single one of us can do things that no one else can do - can love things that no one else can love. We are like violins. We can be used for doorstops, or we can make music. You know what to do.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

precious .

"I grew up knowing I was different, and I hated it. I was born with a cleft palate, and when I started school, my classmates who were constantly teasing, made it clear to me how I must've looked to others: a little girl with a misshapen lip, crooked nose, lopsided teeth, and a hollow and somewhat garbled speech. When schoolmates asked, "What happened to your face?" I'd tell them I'd fallen and cut it on a piece of glass. Somehow, it seemed more acceptable to have suffered an accident than to have been born different. By the age of seven I was convinced that no one outside my own family could ever love me...or even like me. Then I entered the second grade. Mrs. Leonard was pretty and fragrant with warm dark eyes that smiled even when her mouth didn't. Everyone adored her, but no one came to love her more than I did, and for a special reason...It was time for our annual "hearing tests" given at school. I could barely hear out of one ear and was not about to reveal yet another problem that would single me out as different. And so I cheated. I had learned to watch other children and raised my hand when they did. The "whisper test" was different though. Each child would go to the classroom alone, close one ear with a finger, and the teacher would whisper something which the child would repeat. I merely pretended to block mine. As usual I was last, but all through testing, I wondered what she might say to me. I knew from previous years that she whispered things like "The sky is blue". Finally, my turn came up. I turned my bad ear, plugging up the other. I waited...words that God had surely put into her mouth, seven words that changed my life forever; Mrs. Leonard, the pretty teacher I adored, said softly, "I wish you were my little girl."