original image - http://kellibean.deviantart.com/art/crayons-and-silly-things-159918210
Do you ever look back at your childhood, to the time when everything was simple ? Those days, you could be carefree and not worry about being judged by others. What reminds you of those days: crayons, Elmer's glue, snack time ? Remember when the most important thing to us was having that 64 pack of crayons with the built-in sharpener ? Nothing lasts forever - not even photographs. What stays is in our memories, and even so they can never be recreated. We must remind ourselves each day to cherish every moment of our lives, to live every day like the last. Sometimes I can close my eyes and already, I can hear the other children giggling, and feel the wax on my fingertips from grasping those giant crayons. But as I open my eyes again, I realize it is just a part of my past, and that I must move on along with time. Take action; you cannot wait, because nothing in life is guaranteed. Even if you are unsure, afraid, doubtful about the future, there's nothing you can lose, as the things in life that are worth the most will stay by your side.
Remember to keep me in your memories, because you're an amazing person. =]
ReplyDeleteI love my freshie!